I got tired of eating chicken and beef so Lamb is the next thing I want. However, I do not have any recipe for lamb so after some internet browsing I decided to try the recipe from MasakanMama .
It was a great choice. I use the lamb chops I bought from the reduced price shelves..
Top Tip: do check on the reduced price shelves you find lots of great things. I usually go for meat which was on the day of their used by date. Then the meats go straight to freezer to be use later.
The lamb chops (4 piece) I bought was almost 5 Pounds (original price). On the Reduced Price Shelves it is 1.99 Pounds. Good buy I'll say!
Krengsengan is the food from East Java, Indonesia. my main reason to choose this is for the use of sweet soy sauce. I love sweet soy sauce. Below is the recipe after I made some few changes from the original. Do refer to the original by clicking the above link.
4 lamb chops - you can use other part of the lamb
3 - 4 tbsps Indonesian Sweet Soy Sauce
1 tsp terasi - or just use Shrimp paste
1 big chili - I use the one that is less fiery. Do use the more fiery one like bonnet chilli or the bird eye chili.
2 cups water
Ingredient to be ground to a paste - use a pestle and mortar or food processor
4 shallots
2 garlics
1 cm ginger
1/2 tsp whole white pepper
1 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
Cara membuat Krengsengan :
- Tumis bumbu yang sudah dihaluskan sampai harum.
- Masukkan irisan daing kambing, aduk sampai berubah warna.
- Masukkan tomat, kecap manis, petis udang dan cabe merah. Aduk sampai layu.
- Tambahkan air, masak dengan api kecil sampai kuah kental dan daging empuk.
- Angkat... Sajikan saat masih hangat..
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